Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Crispy Homemade - Potato chips (Microwave)

Who doesn't like Potato chips. I love them and I eat them almost every day. Well, here is a non-fat version of the recipe. It doesn't taste the same, but at the end of the day, we don't have to feel guilty and we can eat as many as we like. I made these chips using Microwave instead of the convection oven or fryer.


Potato (Large) - 1
Salt - to taste
Oil - 1 to 2 tsp (for greasing)


  1. Slice a large potato in to very thin (almost transparent) chips as shown in the picture. Drop the pieces in to salted water. (this removes the excess starch)
  2. Dry the pieces using a paper towel. Coat the chips with some oil and salt. You can also add any flavoring of your choice at this point. 
  3. Grease a microwave safe plate and arrange the chips individually on this plate. 
  4. Microwave on high for 1.5 to 2 minutes. (Every oven is different, so keep an eye)
  5. Remove and turn the chips to the other side and Microwave again for 2 minutes. 
  6. Repeat this process till the chips turn crispy. (I had to do repeat it for 3 more times)
Enjoy !! 

Note: It's a bit time taking procedure, than directly frying in the oil. But, you can eat as many chips as you like, guilt free :). 

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