Tuesday, October 30, 2012

French toast

Back in India we have millions of varieties of sweets. For every occasion (like festivals etc) my mom used to make at least ten different types of sweets. I am a huge fan of sweets and I love to eat anything that is sweet. French toast is one of the easiest and delicious recipes ever.


Bread - 5 slices
Eggs - 2
Milk - 1.25 cups
Sugar - 2 tbsp
Gram flour - 2 tbsp
salt - pinch
Cardamom powder -  pinch
Butter - to toast the bread

  1. Add the gram flour to the milk and mix it till well with out any lumps. 
  2. Add eggs, sugar, salt, cardamom powder to the above and mix it well in to a fine batter. 
  3. Take the bread slices and dip them in the batter. Make sure that all the bread slices are coated well with the batter and leave this aside for some time so that the batter is completely absorbed by the bread pieces.
  4. Heat a pan and add about 1 tsp of butter on to it. Once the butter melts fry each of the soaked bread pieces separately on the pan until they turn brown on both sides. 
  5. Place these toasted bread pieces on a baking sheet and bake them in the oven at 180 C for few minutes. 
Enjoy with some whipped cream and honey!!!!

Note: Be careful while frying the bread on the pan. They are very delicate and tend to break apart very easily. 

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